NYC, I Need You! GoFundMe Update and more Livestreams

Hello Wonderful Supporters,

I'm thrilled to share that we raised an extra $237 during our last livestream concert—thank you all for your incredible generosity! We are now sitting at 21% of the total goal.

Mark your calendars for another Facebook Livestream Concert and fundraiser on Wednesday, May 1st at 6pm CT. I can't wait to hear your song requests!

As I prepare for the retreat, I'm searching for a place to stay in NYC on May 15th and May 20th. If you have a spare couch or room, I'd be incredibly grateful—it could save me nearly $500 in hotel costs! Additionally, I'm excited to perform an intimate house concert on May 20th—let's chat if you're interested in hosting!

Your support means the world to me. Let's keep the momentum going and make magic happen together!

With all my gratitude and excitement, 
