Retreat Update: Day One

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to share an update from my journey at the retreat, along with a photo from my refreshing morning walk.

Recap of Yesterday:

My day started with a carpool from NYC to the retreat in Wawarsing, NY, with three other attendees. The drive was a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. When we arrived, we settled in and met the warm and welcoming staff. Dinner was amazing, and it set a positive tone for the rest of the evening.

Our first group session was an incredible experience. To my surprise, they played my song “Hillside” over the speakers to start the session, and I received such a positive reaction from the other attendees. It was a touching moment that made me feel seen and appreciated.

The main activity of the session was a speed vulnerability exercise. We rotated from one person to the next, sharing vulnerable thoughts and practicing opening up to others. This exercise was extremely stressful for me, and I found myself sweating a lot. However, I made it through and already feel stretched in ways that are both challenging and beneficial.

Even though I'm scared, I know this experience is good for me. Your support means the world to me as I navigate these moments of growth.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.

With gratitude,