Retreat Update: Day Three

Dear Supporters,

I wanted to share an incredible experience from yesterday at the retreat. We spent the day allowing ourselves to dream of a future where we are truly realized and fully functioning as our highest selves, without getting bogged down in the "how" to make it happen.

For me, this meant envisioning a future where I own enough land to host regular songwriting retreats, sharing the stage with Neil Young (again), and even gracing the cover of American Songwriter magazine. It was a day to dream big and imagine all the possibilities.

I also spent a few hours indulging in activities that bring me the most satisfaction, like having deep conversations with friends, sitting in quiet reflection next to the water, and, of course, listening to music. In the evening, I had the opportunity to perform a new song for the other Retreaters, and it was humbling to hear a few of them speculate that the song might win a country music award someday.

This day of dreaming was exactly what I needed, especially after the previous day, which was spent confronting and releasing the icky feelings associated with past trauma. I'm looking forward to what today holds.

Thank you all for making this transformative experience possible for me. Your support means the world.

With heartfelt gratitude,