Songs For Today: Healing Through Music - Watch Our New Documentary

🎶✨ Today marks a profoundly special moment as the documentary "Songs For Today: Remembering The Covenant School Tragedy" has been released on YouTube. This hour-long journey captures the essence of a deeply impactful two-month community workshop where we came together to channel our collective grief into creativity.
📽️ Throughout the workshop, we wrote seven original songs, each weaving a unique thread of healing and remembrance. The documentary features these musical tributes, including my own song "Forever Changed," co-written with the incredibly talented Geoff Cox. Our segment begins around the 10-minute mark, offering a glimpse into our writing and recording process.
🙏 Please, take a moment to watch this poignant film and explore the powerful narratives embedded in each song. Your support means the world to us, and I’d love to hear your thoughts after watching.